Saturday, December 13, 2008

8th Post: HELP

I helped out in the open day of our college. It was fun talking to parents and trying to sell our college to them, I mean the a-levels programme only. It's quite odd that only the a-levels department have student helpers on open day and we're like trying to force the visitors to the a-levels booth, ambushing them immediately as they stepped into the college. Though most of the time we're just standing there waiting until my backbone is on the brink of shattering apart...

Just an interesting anecdote during the open day, an auntie came to the reception counter to ask for the direction and here's what she said:" Leng lui, where is XXX?" and our receptionist is actually a middle-aged indian lady. I was like: do you simply call any and every woman you meet on the street 'leng lui' as well? Well, at least I'm sure that the receptionist would be happier to be addressed as 'leng lui' rather than auntie.

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