Monday, September 28, 2009

28th Post: Madness

It's been a long time since I last updated. It's been freaking busy, and I mean it. Just hope that everything will go well for October and things will start to calm down a bit. So what sort of mess I'm getting myself into? Firstly, all those cumbrous university application stuff. UCAS(UK) and Common app(US) early decision deadline's one month ahead, and I haven't even started my personal statement for UCAS nor finish my essay for Common app... Then I have to prepare for the SAT Subject tests as well. Actually I didn't plan to take the subject tests as the US colleges to do not require me to. Ironically NUS do and it even made me take 3 subjects. Well, life is not a bed of roses after all. The test is 2 weeks ahead and I just finished half of the dictionary-like Physics textbook, how the hell la I'm going to get myself well prepared in just so little time left. For those who don't understand what the rubbish I'm talking about, it's just some rant about how cumbersome overseas university application process can be. But these stuffs would not be enough to get me THIS frustrated, not until I add in all the other activities.

My Young KL Singers upcoming production is in early November as well, and the rehearsal is getting more intense with 3 hours long practice thrice a week. Further more I have to spend more than 1 hours just to travel to the rehearsal venue, gosh~ Then I've foolishly got myself involved in the stage play organised by our college as well, which would be in early December with 2 hours practice twice a week. The play is George Bernard Shaw's 'Man and Superman' and man, it's just damn wordy that I dunno how the hell I'm going to memorize it. All of these add together = CRISIS!! I seriously dunno how to divide my time to complete all of them in the best way possible. Well, first thing I gotta do is to put this blog on short term hiatus, till the day we meet again...

Friday, September 4, 2009

27th Post: BalloonS

After procrastinating for such a long time, I finally bring myself to update this dilapidated blog... Well, today I just watched UP by Disney and Pixar. The show starts off with a short animation clip 'Partly Cloudy' which is exuding charm right from the beginning till the end even though it's just few minutes long. The story is about clouds creating babies for different living beings including human, dogs and cats. I won't spoil the story to you, but for those who have watched, my favorite is the balloon-like crocodile.

Move on to the main part, UP is definitely one of the best animation to come from Disney in recent years, I would even use 'epic' to describe it. It was not just a commercial cartoon which tell its story in a plain vanilla fashion and try to inundate us with the overwhelming cuteness. Those animations may have made a lot of money, but at the same time it was also forgettable. That wasn't to say that UP isn't cute, it is indeed VERY cute, especially the chubby little boy. But there was more to its superficial cuteness; beyond the hilarious adventure by the duo(the other being the stubborn old man), I can clearly feel the theme of undying love and lifelong dream, and what made it great is that the animators were able to capture such profound theme perfectly in an animation which main selling point should be cuteness and jokes. I wholeheartedly recommend UP to everyone, children and adult alike, definitely not to be missed!