Thursday, November 27, 2008

3rd Post: My Further Math Lecturer

Now I know how infamous is my further math lecturer, also the head of my department. It's another extremely boring class, yet he make some 'groundbreaking' comment, once again.
"Divide is a very sexy method......"
"z=(1+2i)(6-2i) which z is known as 'conjugate'. I don't know why they want to choose this word, it sounds like as if the 2 sets of numbers are having sex......"
He's really famous among the students, just that i dunno whether it's in a good way or not.

p/s: Hostel connection sucks, can't even check my email, that's why I have to type this in mcdonald...

1 comment:

漆黑之月 said...

u KNOW whaaat, my crazee calculus talks like that too. But he is less inclined to that topic, more to racial stuff.