Friday, February 13, 2009

13th Post: Baldness

School had reopened for a week. This semester I have 2 new subjects to take -- Statistics 1 and Mechanics 1 under further maths, and coincidentally, both of my 2 new lecturers are......bald! Well, the difference is that one of them chose to be bald at his own discretion while the other's shiny head is the inevitable result of ageing. Speaking of which, my other enthusiastic further math lecturer, the 'beloved' mr.J is half bald as well. Can you smell the baldness in the math's textbook?

Once again, the frenzy mr.J came back to haunt us again for this semester. I'm supposed to take only Further Pure Maths Unit 1(FP1) this semester, but he insists that we should take FP2 as well as he can finish it within this short period of time. So here comes the question: What should we do in our next semester if we finished what's supposed to be done at that time so soon? Here comes his bold(bald) answer: Honeymoon......!! Maybe I should pluck off all your remaining hair to let you understand the true meaning of boldness? My life is more miserable now thanks to your baldness.

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